GDB Solution PSY 403

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Total Marks    10

Starting Date   Thursday, February 10, 2022

Closing Date   Friday, February 11, 2022


Authoritarian parents have a tendency to be the strictest parents out there and contradictory of permissive parents. They tend to have lots of sets of laws and policy but aren't agreeable to engage in any conversation about the rules or accepting their children's feedback or opinions about them. While this sounds harsh, most authoritarian parents mean well, and firmly believe their parenting style will produce children who are capable, well-rounded, high-achieving members of society.

The negative side effects to this type of parenting include: Children are violent, but can also be socially hopeless, shy and cannot make their own decisions. Children in these families have poor confidence are poor judges of personality and will revolt against authority figures when they are older.

Children of authoritarian parents are at an advanced danger of developing confidence problems because their opinions aren't valued. They may also become hostile or aggressive. Rather than think about how to do things better in the future, they often focus on the anger they feel toward their parents.

This authoritarian approach affects the child’s mental health from a young age. As a result, children of authoritarian parents are more susceptible to mental illnesses when they are older. Many studies have shown that children with strict parents are more likely to have depression, anxiety, and have aggression issues than children with permissive parenting or authoritative parents.

Parents play an important role in making the personality traits of their children. If Parents are aggressive to their children means that they possess the authoritative parenting style their children will also be aggressive.

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