Eng 201 Today current Paper

eng201 today 18.7.2022

true false on letter writting (5 marks)

convert verb to noun 
(5 marks)

oral communication has less chance of misunderstanding than written. comment (3 marks )
true false on letter writting (5 Marks)

Convert verb to noun 
(5 Marks)

Oral communication has less chance of misunderstanding than written. Comment (3 Marks )

ENG 201 exam* 
 *Timing 8:00am* 
 *Date 18 July 2022* 
 *•Objective part*
Objective part was totally given from Handouts.
Mostly MCQs were repeated from Quizzes.
 *•Subjective part*
Write the names of three elements which are important to influence the length and format of a short document.(3 marks)
What question an employer will ask oneself after viewing his/ her resume.(3 marks)
(Options were given)
Choose the correct statement from the following.(5 marks )
(This question was totally from Handouts.)
Write the correct statements while keeping in mind the 4 points of oral communication.(5 marks