Question No. 1

............... are unwanted thoughts, idea,s or images

1. Obsessions

2. Compulsions

3.  Panic Attacks

4. conversions

Question No. 2. 

Behavior therapy mainly focuses on which of the following. 

1.  Cognitions

2. Unconsciousness 

3. Overt behavior 

4.  Past conflicts

Question no. 3

Community psychology tries to improve individual well-being by promoting....... 

1.  Social Change

2.  New counseling centers

3.  Teaching the psychology atthe  school level

4   Community Centers

Question No. 4

Some students are unable to perform well in class Presentation and are fearful and very anxious on such confrontations. This is an example :

     1. Agora Phobia

       2. Phobia

      3. Social Phobia

     4.  Specific phobia

Question No . 5

---------therapy is known as the third force in the psychotherapy

1.  Humanistic

2.  Cognitive

3.   Freudian

4.  Behavioristic

Question No. 6 

Who proposed the idea that people have conflicting egos and need to move toward, against, and away from others?

1. harry Stack Sullivan

2. Erik Erikson

3. Karen Horney

4. Adler

Question No. 7

........................focuses on irrational and illogical belief system. 

1.  Systematic Desensitization

2.  REBT

3.  Aversion Therapy

4.  Flooding